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Mail hostname suddenly stopped working

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rDNS/PTR = svr.miservidor.com


Querido Sandep, ¿cómo estás?

Tengo un problema y no entiendo la lógica.

Antes mis clientes se conectaban a través de Thunderbird con la siguiente configuración

Servidor entrante: mail.myclient.com
Usuario: usuario1@myclient.com
Puerto Imap: 993

Servidor saliente:  mail.myclient.com
Usuario:  usuario1@myclient.com
Puerto SMTP: 465

pero de un momento a otro dejo de funcionar
mail.myclient.com (dejo de funcionar)

ahora solo funciona con esta entrada y salida
svr.myserver (ahora solo funciona este)



Edited by jonathanm
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  • Sandeep B. changed the title to Mail hostname suddenly stopped working
1 minute ago, jonathanm said:

certificate error

Message sending failed.
The other party's certificate has expired.
The configuration related to mail.myclient.com needs to be fixed.

you can reinstall the ssl from cwp autossl module by deleting the current ssl and then recreating it, this will fix the mail ssl issue

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I deleted the certificate and installed it again and the same message appears in thunderbird that does not deliver the certificate

add the following command in the terminal and if it gives me valid SSL
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect mail.example.com:465

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