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Everything posted by jonathanm

  1. Dear sandep I have a problem uploading a file through phpmyadmin the sql file size 10mb zip shows the following error "504 gateway time-out" I would like to know if you can help me. thank you
  2. now everything works fine What I did, I changed the port to 587 and then went back to 465 and it worked. thank you very much Sandeep B.
  3. I deleted the certificate and installed it again and the same message appears in thunderbird that does not deliver the certificate add the following command in the terminal and if it gives me valid SSL openssl s_client -showcerts -connect mail.example.com:465
  4. certificate error Message sending failed. The other party's certificate has expired. The configuration related to mail.myclient.com needs to be fixed.
  5. rDNS/PTR = svr.miservidor.com Querido Sandep, ¿cómo estás? Tengo un problema y no entiendo la lógica. Antes mis clientes se conectaban a través de Thunderbird con la siguiente configuración Servidor entrante: mail.myclient.com Usuario: usuario1@myclient.com Puerto Imap: 993 Servidor saliente: mail.myclient.com Usuario: usuario1@myclient.com Puerto SMTP: 465 pero de un momento a otro dejo de funcionar mail.myclient.com (dejo de funcionar) ahora solo funciona con esta entrada y salida svr.myserver (ahora solo funciona este) Gracias
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