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CWP – Control Web Panel Install Latest Apache 2.4.62 version

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In this tutorial It will be about updating Apache version to latest possible version in CWP. In CWP, Apache is the main and default web-server by default it will install stable old version of Apache, you can always update it to latest version and stay up to date with the below script, it will download the latest possible version and do the update job.

The Apache HTTP Server, colloquially called Apache, is a free and open-source cross-platform web server software, released under the terms of Apache License 2.0. Apache is developed and maintained by an open community of developers under the auspices of the Apache Software Foundation.

You need to follow this simple commands to update Apache in CWP :

cd /usr/local/src
rm -rf /usr/local/src/apache*
wget --no-cache https://www.alphagnu.com/upload/apache-rebuild.sh
yum install uuid uuid-devel libuuid-devel pcre-devel -y
chmod 755 apache-rebuild.sh
sh apache-rebuild.sh

Current version downloaded by this script : 2.4.62

After installation if apache failed to start with below error :


(98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address

rebuild the webserver config/vhosts i.e from admin >> webservers settings >> select webservers >> click button save and rebuild configuration

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  • 5 months later...
  • Sandeep B. changed the title to CWP – Control Web Panel Install Latest Apache 2.4.58 version
  • 2 weeks later...

Having a weird problem after this latest rebuild.

No new sites or domains added are working.

Under Admin -> WebServer Settings -> Apache Re-Build, it's not showing 2.4.58, only the older 2.4.57

Rebuilt to the older version, and then also rebuilt in vhosts under Admin -> WebServer Settings -> WebServers Main Conf

Rebuilt again to 2.4.58, still no joy.

Any suggestions?

Edited by Starburst
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2 hours ago, Starburst said:

Having a weird problem after this latest rebuild.

No new sites or domains added are working.

Under Admin -> WebServer Settings -> Apache Re-Build, it's not showing 2.4.58, only the older 2.4.57

Rebuilt to the older version, and then also rebuilt in vhosts under Admin -> WebServer Settings -> WebServers Main Conf

Rebuilt again to 2.4.58, still no joy.

Any suggestions?

hi can you check the vhost is created or not after you rebuilt the webserver config ?

as the latest apache version doesn't interfere with it.

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It must have been a ghost.

No error messages, other than Let's Encrypt saying the domain wasn't pointed to the IP or was .htaccess restricted, would just load to the first site in the user list using the shared IP.

Did an images restore, and updated Apache again, and all is working.

Very weird.
Never seen a problem like that in 5 years of running CWP.

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  • 4 months later...
On 6/2/2023 at 5:46 PM, Sandeep B. said:

In this tutorial It will be about updating Apache version to latest possible version in CWP. In CWP, Apache is the main and default web-server by default it will install stable old version of Apache, you can always update it to latest version and stay up to date with the below script, it will download the latest possible version and do the update job.

The Apache HTTP Server, colloquially called Apache, is a free and open-source cross-platform web server software, released under the terms of Apache License 2.0. Apache is developed and maintained by an open community of developers under the auspices of the Apache Software Foundation.

You need to follow this simple commands to update Apache in CWP :

cd /usr/local/src
rm -rf /usr/local/src/apache*
wget --no-cache https://www.alphagnu.com/upload/apache-rebuild.sh
yum install uuid uuid-devel libuuid-devel pcre-devel -y
chmod 755 apache-rebuild.sh
sh apache-rebuild.sh

Current version downloaded by this script : 2.4.58

After installation if apache failed to start with below error :

rebuild the webserver config/vhosts i.e from admin >> webservers settings >> select webservers >> click button save and rebuild configuration

Can I change the version to 2.4.59 in the script and use it as is ?

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  • 2 months later...
  • Sandeep B. changed the title to CWP – Control Web Panel Install Latest Apache 2.4.61 version
  • Sandeep B. changed the title to CWP – Control Web Panel Install Latest Apache 2.4.62 version

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