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leisegang last won the day on March 21

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About leisegang

  • Birthday January 12

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Community Answers

  1. Been looking in the logs and i find this: How can i fix that?
  2. Roundcube Webmail 1.5.6 https://xxxx.com/roundcube/?_task=mail&_action=list&_refresh=1&_layout=widescreen&_mbox=INBOX&_page=1&_remote=1&_unlock=loading1719308387542&_=1719308382134 500 (Internal Server Error) does not load any mail at all. just tried a reinstall of the instructions here: it gives a red box in the right lower corner that says "Server error! (error)"
  3. i cant wait 4 years more for that Also i reported an error in reseller 1 year ago, and it has not been fixed yet
  4. I have implemented this plugin https://github.com/coriaweb/cwpipv6/ I have this IP subnet of /64 how can i use this script to add it to server? Can i change the code in the ipv6_list.php to <select name="ipv6range"> <option value="64">64</option> <option value="112">112</option> <option value="120">120</option> </select> If my ip rrange is: 1a01:4f8:221:34c2:: / 64 can i just input: 1a01:4f8:221:34c2:: in the input field and chose the dropdown and 120? I dont need 65000 adresses, only 256 and that would be more than needed. Aalso when i try this and go to assign IP the dropdown only lists 1 field, should the complete range be visible? it just says: 1a01:04f8:0221:34c2:0000:0000:0000:0000/112 and thats the only field/line
  5. I think i have scrapped this idea already i made a new standard/default page that i wanted to host there, but i just used the chattr +i index.html so it wont be overwritten, that would be easier
  6. I was looking in the /usr/local/apache/conf.d/hostname-ssl.conf file and it says that the webpage is located in htdocs <Directory "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/"> AllowOverride All </Directory> I would like to change that so it shows either the login screen OR a custom page located in /home/default/ Is it that simple to change the directory? and how do i get it to display the loginform? And lastly how can i create a loginform on another page to log in directly to the controlpanel?
  7. This is what i came up with: Search for PHP 7.4 grep -r "74" /home/*/.conf/webservers/ Search for PHP 8.2 grep -r "82" /home/*/.conf/webservers/ Displaying all versions grep -r "php-fpm_ver" /home/*/.conf/webservers/ I did not find that file/folder in all accounts. I dont know why
  8. i trying to install php 8.3 via cwp php-fpm selector. it will not work, i get this error: Dependencies resolved. Nothing to do. Complete! chdir: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 28505 100 28505 0 0 61967 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 61967 /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/conf/el8/php-fpm_selector/external_modules/8.3/sodium.sh: line 9: /opt/alt/php-fpm83/usr/bin/phpize: No such file or directory /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/conf/el8/php-fpm_selector/external_modules/8.3/sodium.sh: line 10: ./configure: No such file or directory make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop. /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/conf/el8/php-fpm_selector/external_modules/8.3/sodium.sh: line 14: /opt/alt/php-fpm83/usr/bin/php-config: No such file or directory ERROR: Missing extension file /sodium.so exe:/opt/alt/php-fpm83/usr/sbin/php-fpm Build Completed ################### Error:Can't add notification!
  9. Is there a way or place in CWP i can view a list of all accounts and what PHP version they are using, i have a few/several sites that are PHP7.4 now and i dont want to open every site in the control panel and change the site to PHP8.3 Also i cannot upgrade ALL sites to php 8.3 because they dont support it yet. If needed how can i write a plugin to make it happen`?
  10. As of now i use the PHP-FPM and apache. i mainly host wordpress sites so use of the .htaccess files is absolutely neccesary. if i did the switch to Nginx & Apache would that be that the static files be served with nginx and the php/html with apache? what type of performance gain would i be likely to recieve? I used to use nginx with cpanel, but then i had somewhat more control over this. If its important i use IPV6 now too. Thanks for any answers or solutions
  11. I have noticed over the last 2 weeks that AutoSSL has stopped working, this is not good for me or my clients. Is there a cronjob i can run every night that checks and renews the ssl certificates?
  12. I have the Intel® Core™ i9-13900 with 64 GB DDR5 ECC and 2tb nvme ssd. IT is FAST and i can have a good amount of customers on this server. i have had like 6 months with 8TB monthly traffic and it has no problem with that. i really like the storagebox backup that hetzner has. if i will need more servers i would go for one at hetzner. i also have a VPS at hetzner.
  13. In Linux-based systems, you can use the following command on the CLI to mount the file system: mount.cifs -o user=<username>,pass=<password> //<username>.your-storagebox.de/backup /PATH/FOLDER By adding the following line to /etc/fstab, your system will automatically mount the file system at boot. (It is a single line!): //<username>.your-storagebox.de/backup /mnt/backup-server cifs iocharset=utf8,rw,credentials=/etc/backup-credentials.txt,uid=<system account>,gid=<system group>,file_mode=0660,dir_mode=0770 0 0 The file /etc/backup-credentials.txt (mode 0600) should contain two lines as follows: username=<username> password=<password> In Debian-based distributions, the command is provided via the package cifs-utils. apt-get install cifs-utils On Debian Wheezy based systems, edit the parameters as follows if you are having problems: rsize=65536,wsize=130048 You should also add the following lines to /etc/rc.local: modprobe cifs echo 0 > /proc/fs/cifs/OplockEnabled
  14. I have used these hetzner i have the Intel® Core™ i9-13900 with 64 GB DDR5 ECC and 2tb nvme ssd. IT is FAST and i can have a good amount of customers on this server. i have had like 6 months with 8TB monthly traffic and it has no problem with that. i really like the storagebox backup that hetzner has. if i will need more servers i would go for one at hetzner. i also have a VPS at hetzner. ovh The server i got was probably a few years old when i got it and i had several incidents where disk or RAM failed. Causing downtime, Also they were relatively pricy if you look at hetzner digital ocean good for small vps if you want something small and cointained to its own "server" Not bad prices vps.net good support ok prices. scalability is really good.
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