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Everything posted by Fidolas

  1. Now tried yum install clamd and same error Error: Package: clamav-update-0.103.11-1.el7.x86_64 (epel) Requires: libcurl.so.4()(64bit)
  2. It gives me this: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 Nov 26 23:46 libcurl.so.4 -> /usr/local/lib/libcurl.so.4
  3. Same problem again. I've cleared also caches with yum clean all and then tried yum install clamav Error: Error: Package: clamav-update-0.103.11-1.el7.x86_64 (epel) Requires: libcurl.so.4()(64bit) Error: Package: clamav-0.103.11-1.el7.x86_64 (epel) Requires: libcurl.so.4()(64bit)
  4. First command returns nothing The second one the same, nothing. The third one's output: libcurl.so.4 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/lib/libcurl.so.4 libcurl.so (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/lib/libcurl.so
  5. curl --version curl 8.3.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/8.3.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1k zlib/1.2.7 brotli/1.0.4 libssh2/1.9.0 nghttp2/1.48.0 OpenLDAP/2.4.44 Release-Date: 2023-09-13 Protocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher gophers http https imap imaps ldap ldaps mqtt pop3 pop3s rtsp scp sftp smb smbs smtp smtps telnet tftp Features: alt-svc AsynchDNS brotli GSS-API HSTS HTTP2 HTTPS-proxy IPv6 Kerberos Largefile libz NTLM NTLM_WB SPNEGO SSL threadsafe TLS-SRP UnixSockets
  6. I should add, for the record, that I was using the cityfan repo (http://www.city-fan.org) to keep Curl updated. Recently this repo stopped working and I have had to remove it. But it leaved the problem previously metioned here.
  7. These commands gives this in Centos 7: No package libcurl available. No package libcurl-devel available. Error: Nothing to do
  8. This gives the following: ldd: /usr/lib64/libcurl.so.4: No such file or directory
  9. Recently, for no reason, my clamav service stopped working. So I've uninstalled it with yum install clamav and now when I try to install it again it complains with: ... --> Finished Dependency Resolution Error: Package: clamav-update-0.103.11-1.el7.x86_64 (epel) Requires: libcurl.so.4()(64bit) Error: Package: clamav-0.103.11-1.el7.x86_64 (epel) Requires: libcurl.so.4()(64bit) You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem ... How can this be solved? Can it be installed from sources into /usr/local instead using the system's one?
  10. If you use JIT on PHP do not enable Ioncube because it makes the server to crash with segfaults errors. Use only one of them but not both.
  11. Thanks a lot, sir. Very detailed and easy to follow answer. Cheers 🙂
  12. I've noticed a very large log file into /usr/local/cwp/php71/var/log/php-fpm.log Does anyone knows how to setup a logrotate entry to keep that log and others on that folder under control? Thanks in advance!
  13. Thanks, but I've already selected to bypass Cloudflare proxy (gray cloud) and alredy not working. The issue is that detected IP into CWP changes and session is invalidated and user is logged out. Isn't there any easy fix to use the name and not the IP?
  14. I've fixed the yum issue with libssh2 by creating the right ld to point to the missing file. Now it's working with no problems. Not sure if it was caused by removing the cityfan repo steps, but anyway, it can be solved fixing the link with the ld command.
  15. In my case I needed these parameters: --prefix=/opt/alt/php-fpm81/usr --with-config-file-path=/opt/alt/php-fpm81/usr/php --with-config-file-scan-dir=/opt/alt/php-fpm81/usr/php/php.d to make it work with PHP-FPM selector in CWP. I added it here to help others in my same situation.
  16. If it helps anyone, I've replaced libssh with libssh2 when configuring the cURL build, this way: ./configure --with-ssl --with-zlib --with-gssapi --enable-ldap --enable-ldaps --with-libssh --with-nghttp2 with this one: ./configure --with-ssl --with-zlib --with-gssapi --enable-ldap --enable-ldaps --with-libssh2 --with-nghttp2 as it's instructed by @Sandeep B. doesn't work for me, throwing an error. But it worked fine with libssh2.
  17. It gives me : error: libSSH libs and/or directories were not found where specified! on configure phase. Also, after: rm -rf /usr/local/lib/libssh2.so.1 there is an issue with yum not working anymore. Please, explain these steps.
  18. When using a Cloudflare proxy in front of the CWP dashboard it gives a invalid session, so cwp.hostname.com:2031 doesn't works. How can it be solved? I've tried bypassing Cloudflare (gray cloud in panel) to DNS only. But doesn't work? There is any setup working?
  19. Can't see the option to update PHP to latest 8.1.25 build. Can anyone tell how to update version? Thanks in advance,
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